Shootout on the History Channel
On Tuesday, December 13th the History Channel will be airing another installment of "Shootout." This episode will chronicle the actions of 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines in Ar-Ramadi, Iraq in April, 2004. From what I understand, alot of the airtime will go to Echo Company, which took more casualties during April than any other company in the Marine Corps. Golf Company, of which I was a part, should also be showcased. Overall, 2/4 recorded more casualties than any other battalion in theater during Operation Iraqi Freedom II. I encourage anyone reading this to watch.
darn I just missed it, but I'll keep a lookout for it.
thanks for serving!
Hi There.
I read your post. Well i might have different views on the War and the casualties but one thing for sure I would like to mention. I truly & really respect the comminment of the guys in uniform. I am n indian and have a some of my friends in the army. What impresses me most is the unquestioning attitude of these brave men who just take up an assgined task and do their job. Yes there are casualties as they say but it does not deter them one bit. Yes they are humans with feelings and emotions but no fear. You guys deserve a lot more respect. I salute all those unsung heroes who have laid down their lives for the cause they believed in for the land they served.
my brother is Echo 2/4. so proud of his service in Ramadi.
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